October 7, 2023

Bath City Farm AGM with Collage Workshop and Wildlife Talk

We are really happy to invite you to a special workshop with local artist Marian Hill, a short talk by Marian and local ecologist Mike Williams about wildlife on the Farm and a short Annual General Meeting AGM on Saturday 7th October from 10 am to 11.30 am in our Bath City Farm Community Kitchen with tea and cake.

At 10 am – The morning will kick off with a special hour-long interactive workshop with talented local illustrator Marian Hill. Come and create your own insect illustration and find out about the extraordinary diversity of invertebrate life found at Bath City Farm. Collage is simple to master and this workshop is suitable for any age group, children and adults.

The workshop will be followed at 11 am by an engaging and interesting talk on wildlife at the Farm, with Marian Hill and Mike Williams, Bath City Farm trustee and ecologist. There’ll be time for Q and A, (15 mins).

Marian Hill has been working as an illustrator for over 20 years collaging images for various magazines and publishing companies. You can find out more about Marian’s work here Home (buzzandscuttle.com).

Mike Williams has been recording things on the Bath City Farm site since 2016 and has now recorded over 1000 different species! He doesn’t photograph everything – some things are far too small and others get away before he can press the button!

This will all be followed by a short Annual General Meeting (15 mins) with brief update on the Farm’s activities over the past year and a look at what’s ahead by the Farm’s Chair and Director.

Please RSVP to Alison Howell


We look forward to seeing you there!

Annual General Meeting Agenda

7th October 11.20 am to 11.45 am

  1. Welcome and introduction
  2. Minutes of the 2022 AGM and matters arising – Thomas Sheppard will ask members to approve the minutes (subject to any corrections).
  3. Annual accounts for 2022 – Mark Richardson (Treasurer) will give a brief overview and answer questions. The meeting is receiving the accounts and is not being asked to approve them.
  4. Brief Annual Report from Brendan Tate Wistreich, Farm Director
  5. The Chair will explain how voting will work for item 6, noting board members are Directors and Trustees.
  6. Appointment of Directors – to ask the members to re-elect:

a) Mark Richardson

b) Tamsin Egan

c) Chris Button

  1. Any other business
  2. Thanks and conclusions of the meeting


Event Details

Dates & Times
October 7, 2023


Starts at: 10:00 am

Finishes: 11:30 am


Bath City Farm

Kelston View, Whiteway, Bath BA2 1NW

Tickets & Booking
Free event please RSVP to alison@bathcityfarm.org.uk
Illustration of a pig by Jess Knights
More Info

To find out more, call the farm office on 01225 481 269 or email info@bathcityfarm.org.uk.