Things to Do At Bath City Farm
PLan Your Day

Children’s Playground
Our popular children’s playground uses wood and tyres to create an imaginative play for children.

Explore 37 acres of nature, including fields, woodland, ponds and stunning view across Bath.

As a working farm we have lots of friendly and sociable animals for you to visit.
Children’s Playground
Time to Go Wild
Our popular children’s playground uses wood and tyres to create imaginative play for children. It is located next door to our cafe.

Explore The FArm
The Farm occupies 37 acres, or about 18 football pitches making us one of the largest city Farms in the UK.
As well as the Farm we have fields and woodland, ponds and stunning views across Bath. The Farm is home to an amazing 1000 species of flowers, plants, insects and wildlife, all making it a wonder for all ages to explore on foot.
You can purchase copies of our nature hunt and trail guide for £1 from our Farm office
Visit OUr Animals
We have a variety of chickens and ducks, which both provide eggs that we sell in our Farm Shop. We also have pigs, various rare breeds of sheep and Pygmy goats.
Dougie and Dougal, our Shetland ponies, move around from pens to field, where they like to chase the sheep, and so can be hard to track down! The cows, when we have them, graze our furthest fields, helping to maintain and increase biodiversity in our rugged natural landscape.

We aim to provide exceptional animal welfare to all of our animals including those bred for meat. We serve farm reared pork and lamb products in our Farm cafe. We hope by being an open access farm we can educate people about where food comes from and enable them to make informed decisions around their diet, including if and how to eat meat. If you have any concerns or questions about the welfare or safety of our animals, please get in touch either online or at the farm. For the latest version of our Animal Welfare Policy please see here.

health & Safety Guide
Staying Safe On The Farm
A visit to Bath City Farm is an enjoyable and educational experience. However, visiting a farm carries a small risk of catching an infection from animals or the animals’ environment. Farm animals can be the source of several germs that can be passed to humans and can cause illness.
To reduce your risk please:
• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and directly after visiting the animal areas
• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating or drinking
• Do not eat, drink or put fingers near your mouth and face while walking around the animal areas
• Do not kiss the animals or let your child put their face too close to the animals
• Do not eat or put anything in your mouth that has fallen on the floor
• Be extra careful if you are pregnant, elderly, have a lowered immune system or have young children
Please be aware anti-bacterial gels are not a suitable alternative to hand washing.
Please Look After Our animals
Don’t feed the animals anything other than the animal food we provide
Keep all dogs on a lead
Don’t scare or chase the animals
Stop For a Break
Visit Our Lovely cafe
Join us Tuesday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm and Saturday 09.30 am to 4 pm for delicious breakfasts, tasty lunches, drinks and freshly baked cakes.
Cosy up inside or enjoy the view on our outdoor terraces overlooking Bath City Centre.